I have gotten another service dog for training. Her name is Sofie and well she is a ball of energy for sure. She is active and so cute. We love her to bits.
Her asleep

Her being Kung fu doggie.
She is a pint sized terror in our house. We love her but lord does she hurt when she sinks in her puppy teeth.
Other then Sofie we have a foster Greyhound from a group called All About Hounds. Her name is Dove
Dove asleep with Sofie on one of our many blankets around the house.
Dove the Day I brought her home from the Vets office. She was a donor dog for 6 years of her 8 years on this world. She deserves a better home and a family to love her. She is a blessing for sure.
I am debating on college for either Web Design or Business management. Still weighing it out.
Taylor is doing well. She is going through her drama days but all is good. We plan on getting her into Cheer and possibly swim lessons. She is happy to have fun for sure.
I am doing ok. Been sick lately with a cold that has gone down into my chest. So working on getting that taken care of.
I hope everyone has a great week and I hope to start posting more.