Friday, April 30, 2010

So I am trying to work on the blog.

I just can’t figure out what to blog about or even when to blog. I just am hitting a road block all the time. Wishing I had ideas or something to write about. Taylor has hit a major temper tantrum phase and not much going on to write about. I would like to see the blog grow and become more then just an updating blog. I write a dog adoption blog also but this blog is getting neglected a lot. If anyone has any idea’s please by all means write me and let me know.



Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Well I have been sick for about 2 weeks now. Doing better everyday but my lungs and chest hurt from coughing so much. Been busy with dealing with a temperamental 3 year old and 3 crazy furKids.  AAH has kept me busy too. Been going to as many functions as we can. Been putting Dove out there to get her a forever home. I have also been working on finding Taylor a Curriculum for home school.

Taylor is growing like a weed. She is being a pain on top of it. Lately she has been throwing fits and clingy to us. She keeps saying her head hurts and her body hurts. I am thinking it is growing pains. I gave her Motrin but its not easing her attitude. I hope she snaps out of it soon.


The furKids are turds as always. Biscuit and Dove are the older two and are more calm not always but most the time. Sofie is a sock eating terror and she eats them while they are on your feet! I hope she picks up the biting softly training. I want her to use her mouth that is why I am not pushing the NO biting. I want her to learn how to open doors and pick up things so teaching her not to bite would make it hard to teach her to put something in her mouth.

Matt works alot and takes to us being here pretty good. He does things with us for fun when he can. We work together to keep the house clean and He will take Taylor while I go to curves. Lately I have missed Curves due to being sick and not able to breathe.


So that is my update of sorts.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Snuggled up.

I have gotten another service dog for training. Her name is Sofie and well she is a ball of energy for sure. She is active and so cute. We love her to bits. DSC01672

Her asleep


Her being Kung fu doggie.

She is a pint sized terror in our house. We love her but lord does she hurt when she sinks in her puppy teeth.


Other then Sofie we have a foster Greyhound from a group called All About Hounds. Her name is Dove DSC01645

Dove asleep with Sofie on one of our many blankets around the house.


Dove the Day I brought her home from the Vets office. She was a donor dog for 6 years of her 8 years on this world. She deserves a better home and a family to love her. She is a blessing for sure.


I am debating on college for either Web Design or Business management. Still weighing it out.


Taylor is doing well. She is going through her drama days but all is good. We plan on getting her into Cheer and possibly swim lessons. She is happy to have fun for sure.


I am doing ok. Been sick lately with a cold that has gone down into my chest. So working on getting that taken care of.

I hope everyone has a great week and I hope to start posting more.



Monday, April 12, 2010

Taylor’s dream

Taylor has been wanting to be a cheerleader since before she turned 2. So, I am thinking of enrolling her in tumbling classes for summer. She really seems like she could handle the fun of it. Once she shows stress from it I am not going to press her to do it. Yes I want her to be disciplined and do a sport but I always want it to be fun for her. 

Friday, April 2, 2010

Taylor at 3…

I still can’t believe my little girl is 3. She has grown up so much from this little bundle to a active little girl. She makes me beam with happiness everyday I see her smile. I love the wonder in her eyes when she discovers something new. I am amazed at how much she remembers and learns everyday.

I am told by everyone around me how smart she is for 3 and how she is wonderful to be around. It blows me away. I always thought I was just biased when I said she was smarter then the average 3 year old. I am told a lot by everyone around us that she is really smart and everyone here supports the home school option we have chosen.

Taylor is over 3 ft tall and weighs in at more then 30lbs. She is tall and slender and demands to be a cheerleader. We are working to get her into gymnastics and cheerleading. Taylor is determined when she puts her mind to something. I am proud to be her mom.

Being a mom is something I didn’t really think of until I had her. She was my saving grace when I needed someone. She to this day saves me with each smile. My life is about her and her happiness.