Thursday, July 7, 2011


Debating on not allowing Rayne to watch toddlers in tiaras because she is modeling the attitudes and fits she is seeing. I just think she thinks she can get away with it too. Ugh.

Friday, July 1, 2011

I made her happy

Now my kiddie doesn't get to play with my cell but likes to see what I am doing. So, today I downloaded a hello kitty back ground while she napped let me say girl squeals are freaking loud! Just sayin.

Friday 7/1/11

So, Not much to update but felt like writing. Rayne is playing in her room with her blocks. Got an hour until the dreaded nap time. Indy and Biscuit are sleeping off full tummies. I am at the pc waiting for nap time so I can clean the house and get some quiet. My head is still hurting and I still have the tunnel vision in one eye. Damned if I don't have insurance. I would of already been at the doctors office. Monday I need to call my one doctor I see so I can get a refill of medication. Life is quiet today just hope it stays that way.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Why is it...

So hard to get a four year old to clean her room? No matter how many times I ask it comes down to a time out just to get her to clean up the mess she made. Ugh.

I hate being uninsured I can't get any dental work done or anything else for that matter. If I break something we are screwed.

Some days I just want to cry my eyes out and stay in bed. But, I can't a little person depends on me. I hate being depressed and feeling hopelessness. I need a magic cure.

I guess that is it for now. Might try writing daily. Ya never know I just might get back to clogging.

Just enjoying life

Rayne is happy as can be. She is growing so much. I really need to weigh and measure her. She is a big nut and loves to laugh. She loves playing with the dogs. Need to take her back to the pool but first we need to get her some arm floats. Her Lifevest keeps rolling her over on her back.

All in all life is wonderful.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Life has been so hectic

Raising a active 4 year old isn't easy. I never said it was but boy is he active. I have a bad sunburn due to swimming yesterday. I kept the sunscreen on us both and I ended up burned. At least she had a blast. Today we got to go to the 1.50 theater ( thanks to pop pop) and she got to see HOP and swore to never eat a jelly bean ever. If you haven't seen it when you do you will understand. She is happy and active. I am trying hard to venture out and get involved in things with her. Next week will be a lot of parks with hopfully at least two visits to the pool and maybe one to the movies or rent a redbox movie. I am trying hard to get her out to see other kids. It makes me nervous and anxious but I am trying.

She is tall and I need to measure her. She is weighing in at 37ish lbs she gets frustrated because she is under 40 and stuck in a car seat. She told Matt a couple of days ago she wants to get tall enough to ride on the fair rides. She cracks me up.

Pop Pop is staying with us for a bit and she loves it so much. She can't get enough of him. It is cute watching them together. I am happy to have dad around some more. I missed him.

Matt is doing well got a good job now(had a scare for a few weeks due to a layoff type of issue) and he seems to enjoy it.

Indy is doing good just got to work on excitement issues but doing good. Biscuit is well Biscuit. Love them both but some days geeze worse then a toddler.

All in all things are great and I can't wait for another day. Being sunburnt sucks but life moves on.

Thanks for reading,
Beverly(aka Fox)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Well life is moving along. We are into the Year 2011 and well this seems to be a great year so far.

Monkey is about 41.5 inches and averages about 32lbs. She is tall and skinny. Long blonde hair as normal and her eyes are still that stunning blue they were the day she was born. She is in love with dancing and horses. She has an imaginary friend that is named Lucky. It is a horse. Lucky likes to pull the buggy in the store. She cracks me up. The other day when we went to Bed, Bath and Beyond She told Lucky to go eat grass next to the truck so he wouldn't bump anything in the store. Awww my thoughtful little girl.

Everyday she dresses up in her dress up clothes and preforms a dance she makes up in her room before dinner. She is so cute.

We are working on learning colors, tieing shoes, and her learning to read.

I can't believe she is 4 now. It feels like just yesterday she was in my arms breastfeeding.

I am doing great. I start a new diet soon and hope to lose all this excess weight. I miss being a healthy size and want to get my health back on track. I have 2 dogs and 2 guinea pigs to care for besides the Monkey. Life is looking up and I am moving on.

Got my divorce finally. That was a great feeling knowing that chapter was closing.

My plans for this year is:
1. lose 100lbs
2. train my dogs to a standard I have set in my dog training blog ( which I need to update)
3. Blog on a regular basis.
4. start running again
5. enroll Monkey in a dance class or something like that.

I have other plans but am waiting for things to fall into place before I post about them.

As always thank you for taking time and reading our blog.

Beverly and Monkey