for not being so active. i moved and hit a bump in the finace department. still looking for work and not finding anything. when i get back home from mom's i am going to put in a resume to a car lot looking for a data entry job.
monkey is growing up fast. is happy where we are.
my car broke down and well taking my time fixing it as money is tight.
my friend has decided to move to florida finally. she is here and likes it. i am happier but wish i could get my divorce over with already.
waiting on florida to make up its mind if they are gonna approve us for asstiance or not.
monkey has dealt with a viral mouth infection the past week. seems to be going away.
one of my roomies has taken to her so much. i wish my divorce would hurry up so i can move on with my life.
well that is it for now. sorry about the grammar part i am pretty out of it.
got any questions just leave a comment.