Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Well life is moving along. We are into the Year 2011 and well this seems to be a great year so far.

Monkey is about 41.5 inches and averages about 32lbs. She is tall and skinny. Long blonde hair as normal and her eyes are still that stunning blue they were the day she was born. She is in love with dancing and horses. She has an imaginary friend that is named Lucky. It is a horse. Lucky likes to pull the buggy in the store. She cracks me up. The other day when we went to Bed, Bath and Beyond She told Lucky to go eat grass next to the truck so he wouldn't bump anything in the store. Awww my thoughtful little girl.

Everyday she dresses up in her dress up clothes and preforms a dance she makes up in her room before dinner. She is so cute.

We are working on learning colors, tieing shoes, and her learning to read.

I can't believe she is 4 now. It feels like just yesterday she was in my arms breastfeeding.

I am doing great. I start a new diet soon and hope to lose all this excess weight. I miss being a healthy size and want to get my health back on track. I have 2 dogs and 2 guinea pigs to care for besides the Monkey. Life is looking up and I am moving on.

Got my divorce finally. That was a great feeling knowing that chapter was closing.

My plans for this year is:
1. lose 100lbs
2. train my dogs to a standard I have set in my dog training blog ( which I need to update)
3. Blog on a regular basis.
4. start running again
5. enroll Monkey in a dance class or something like that.

I have other plans but am waiting for things to fall into place before I post about them.

As always thank you for taking time and reading our blog.

Beverly and Monkey