Saturday, October 2, 2010

So the Kidlet is growing up some.

This is the monster that both drives me batty but also makes my heart melt with one look from those baby blues. She is my kidlet and I love her to bits. She is reading 1st grade sightwords!! She also is excelling in all her school work except in colors. We are working on that. I need to make her another appointment to sit down and talk with her doctor about a more extensive eye exam. That and she complains of headaches every morning now. I worry her eyes might be bothering her and because she can't tell you what color things are or what letter something is (working on her abc names but she can read) it is harder to judge her sight. 
Other then that she is growing up and she will be 4 years old in under 3 months. Where has the time gone? I miss the days of her being cuddled up and looking up at me and just smiling. I get that now but its not the same as when she was so tiny. She stands taller then my kitchen counters and just hit 31lbs steady. I will get her measurements soon. She loves to learn and loves to pretend taking care of her baby doll. We bought her a bassinet and car seat for the baby and are planning on making her room more like a small apartment. Including kitchen, laundry, and baby area. She is also getting a TV in her room with only one cable channel. Sprout! She loves that channel and it is all I hear about in the mornings. She gets 2 hours total T.V. time other then that her bum is in her room or in my office either playing or learning. We have outside time when the weather allows it. She loves the Zoo. We have annual membership so she can run and play on the play ground and see her TIGERS. They are her favorite animal lately. 
Her hair is long in the back. Only part that is cut is her bangs and frame around the face to keep her from eating it. It is so pretty when freshly washed and dried and she goes outside the sun makes it look golden. She is Tanned under the clothes from playing in the back yard in a bathing suit most the summer when it wasn't to hot. She loves to chase the dogs with a water hose. 
She loves to go out to the store and just walk around. The outfit in the photo above is one she picked out all on her own while I was looking at Halloween things. She picked them up and asked if we could get them for her. $10 dollars for a skirt and shirt to fit her wasn't to bad. Next week we are going to get some Halloween things to decorate and for use to wear on Samhain night. We are all excited here. 
She loves to help light the Hestia alter everyday. She says her prayers every night. She wakes up in the mornings most the time happy and ready to learn and play. I love watching her grow. She has taught me how to look at the world through another's eyes. To see her get excited about a bug, flower, cloud, or even the Moon is a blessing. She may drive me nuts but I love my daughter and will forever. 
Now I leave you with another photo I hope you enjoyed my moment of thought on this update. I am just in awe of my 3 almost 4 year old.

Peace, love and snotty noses.

Beverly and T-Bone

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